Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Am I really only one day 20 of 365?!! Wow, feels like I have been doing this for months, lol!
Tonight, I let the kids watch a movie in Amaya's room before bed and when I walked by, as I was puting up laundry, Kalan had the Mr. Potatohead items scattered about. I got the giggles as he was trying to put one of the noses on himself, and was able to snap a quick picture of him wearing the glasses! This kid is such a mess. He has been getting into trouble today and going to time out for hitting. He doesn't necessarily hit Kai or Amaya to be mean, more just a "pay attention to me!" slap...but I still won't tolerate it b/c I have a strict "no hitting, slapping, spitting, pushing, throwing random items at your sibling policy"...heehee :)
It's kind of hard to get mad at him though because he is so cute when I put him in time out, and especially when he says he's sorry with big hugs..but it must be done to keep him from turning into an even wilder maniac.
Even though he's been testing his limits lately...A LOT....99% of the time he just wants someone to laugh at him...and it works. I bet even you couldn't help grinning at this picture! I just love my little monkey!
"I brought children into this dark world because it needed the light that only a child can bring."~Liz Armbruster